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For justice and freedom
The law must keep pace with social reality. To this end, we have initiated a comprehensive revision of family law. This includes reforms to the law on both parent and child matters and descent, and the introduction of the “community of responsibility”. We will shortly be setting out key points on all three of these projects. The “community of responsibility” is intended to provide legal certainty for people who assume long-term responsibility for each other in everyday life, but are not in a romantic relationship. It is an innovative concept that provides answers to some of the questions that arise in a changing society. What we have achieved so far:
We have abolished section 219a of the Criminal Code. Doctors can now provide factual information on abortion online – and women are free to access this information.
The Self-Determination Act has come into force on 1 November 2024. The legislation is designed to safeguard the freedom and dignity of transgender people, and will make it easier for transgender, intersex and non-binary people to change their registered sex and their first names. The Self-Determination Act replaces the largely unconstitutional Act on Transsexuals.
Naming law reforms adopted by the Bundestag introduce changes that many people have long wanted: double-barrelled names for couples; easy surname changes for the children of divorced parents; and a system that allows the naming traditions of minorities to be preserved. New naming law will create new freedoms – without taking anything away from anyone.
Die Reform des Namensrechts ist auf der Zielgeraden - und das ist gut für Familien, Paare und Kinder. Das neue Namensrecht wird neue Freiheiten eröffnen - und niemandem etwas wegnehmen; viele Familien warten seit langem auf diese Reform. Bundesjustizminister Dr. Marco Buschmann in einer Ersten Lesung vor dem Deutschen Bundestag.
Also intended to reflect our changing society are the planned reforms to child maintenance law, the key points of which we recently unveiled. After a separation, the rule used to be: the man pays, the woman takes care of the children. But the reality of life has long since changed. Nowadays, many parents share the care of their children – even after a separation. That is why we want to establish clear and equitable rules on how a co-parent’s contribution should be taken into account in the calculation of child maintenance. How involved a co-parent is should make a difference. Those doing more will benefit from this reform.